Monday, April 09, 2007

I can't keep up any longer...

I just feel like my life is going crazy!! Here's a few of the things rolling around in my head today...

First of all, I want everyone reading to know I do like men. That last post was not something I personally wrote but was an email I got and thought was funny! Sorry to any men (Wes) out there that I may have offended :-)

The next thing is the departure of my BIL and SIL to South East Asia. They leave in two weeks... two weeks people!! Can you imagine all the stuff we're trying to cram into the next two weeks?? We've got a goodbye party on Saturday. I still need to do all the shopping for that! We're also trying to figure out how to celebrate four of our kid's birthdays before they take off. What would you do if you had only two weeks left with someone special in your life??

Also, I know I mentioned Josh's feelings about school lately. I took him to the doctor last Wednesday and they took blood and did x-rays. He was pretty brave about it. The funny part was, he thought the vile that held the blood was the needle that would draw the blood... can you imagine? The test results came back and he has a high level of red blood cells and his soft tissue is swollen. They are sending us to a Orthopedic specialist as the next step. We also have to find a pediatric psychologist so we can talk about his anxiety issues. Pray that we can get to the bottom of all of this soon!

My MIL is still not doing well. Although she was up and at our house on Saturday to celebrate Easter with us. I can't believe she's still getting around with as much pain as she's having. She will have an MRI done on Wednesday and the results will be back Thursday. We are all waiting to see what it shows. I think we all kind of know what to expect but we're not trying to get ahead of God. He knows what the future holds for her and all of us!!

Oh yeah, and my thyroid levels are off again this month. My doctor is concerned and wants me to retest so we know what's going on. So far I've had two bad tests and one normal one. I can't figure out what's going on : )

Also, today is my Grandpa's birthday so I wanted to say "Happy Birthday Grandpa!!"

This was probably all really boring but I just had to get it out... this is my place to say what I need to say, right??


Anonymous said...

Stacey, I am praying for you girl. I know the only way I get things out is to cry to the Lord, and now that I have a blog, you may here that in the future. What did the tests mean about Josh's health? I guess I didn't understand. No need to explain, but I just wanted to tell you that I hope it is not too serious. Well, Wes was not offended, he was just giving you a hard time, because he doesn't do that enough to my friends, so you were just added to his list. I thought it was hilarious. Keep your head up, this too shall pass!

Kelley said...

Thanks for sharing what's going on in your life. Your strong faith in your strong God shines through in each of your trials (departures, medical concerns for yourself and your family).

I will definitely pray for the many changes occurring in your life and family. Blessings...

Julie said...

Praying for you guys. I know it's a tough time all around. Mark had a really cool post the other day and I'm swiping some verses and posting them here for you..

2 Cor 12:9-10

And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness " Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. 1herefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.

Theresa said...

Boy, you do have a lot going on right now. I'll definitely be praying that the Great Physician does some incredible work for you and your family.

Jodi said...

WOW!! I am praying for you Stac. Thanks for being such a grat SIL to my sister and making their last 2 weeks in the states good!!
Praying that God will work things out with Josh and finding the right people to help him and get him back to school and the little boy he is. Also praying for you, God will carry your though this dear. Hang in there. Praying, praying for you!!
Love you

Shalee said...

You're right; it is your place to lay it out on the line.

God has a perfect plan for each of these situations in your life. Trust that He can handle it all, even if you feel that you can't. I'm saying a prayer for you right now!

Kate said...

wow, you sure do have a lot going on. i'll be praying for you this week.

Tina said...

Hang in there!
We will all make it!
I love you and am praying for you!

I have decided, if we can survive all this...we can survive almost anything! :)