Saturday, July 21, 2007

Adventures with Boys

On Wednesday night I decided I was sick and tired of not having food in the house and went to Walmart. It was kind of crazy thinking since Jeff was at the hospital with his parents and I had all three boys by myself! Anyway, the whole shopping experience was overall pretty good. We didn't have too many issues in the store. It was outside where somehow it all went downhill...

I opened up the van and put the two older boys in. I left Jacob on the cart and started loading groceries. All of a sudden Josh yells "Seth is peeing!" I ran around the van to see Seth with his pants down to his ankles peeing out the van door. Unfortunately, I had flip flops on and stepped in it... not good! I spanked his bottom, got his pants back on and made it very clear that we never ever pee in the parking lot like that!

Later I'm telling the story and I said "I was just thanking the Lord that it didn't get on the car next to us. I would have stayed around to apologize to the people!" Josh said "Well, Seth isn't big enough to spray his pee that far but I am." I told him he better not even think about it!

Oh, the joys of living with and raising boys!!


Anonymous said...

Boys ~ they are a different breed sometimes aren't they. I will forever remember this story. I think it makes for a good laugh.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Stacey, This is too good!!!
I'm surprised Tina hasn't come up w/one of these... But I will tell you that a few weeks ago at church one of the boys (6) came running in yelling at his dad, that 4 yr old brother was watering the plants in the front of the church!!!
So hey, at least you weren't in the church yard... lhahahahah

Kelley said...

That's too funny, Stacey. I remember when we used to let Nathon pee in the rocks around my parents' pool so he wouldn't have to go inside the house all wet to go potty. It was cute when he was a toddler, but there came a certain point when we had to stop it! He didn't quite understand why it was so wrong all of a sudden. Poor little guy....

Ellen said...

I can't even imagine having 3! Although the one I have seems like 3 sometimes! What is it with boys and peeing outside anyways? My son thinks it is great. His new thing now is not lifting the seat when he pees and of course it gets all over it. Umm...maybe outside is my answer.

Tina said...

I laughed out loud!
At least there wasn't a person sitting in the car waiting for someone...that would have been...well...even funnier!

He would fit in great over here...I have seen quite a few kids peeing on the side of the road or wherever... :)

Kate said...

I'm sorry but that is hillarious! What a riot! Such a boy too! It was bound to happen eventually! ;)

Andie said...

Oh, that is TOOO funnY! I can only imagine! I have one boy and two girls, and let me tell you...they each can come up with stuff I never thought possible!
Thanks for entering my contest!

Anonymous said...

This made me giggle like crazy!

This Journey of Mine said...

Now that, is hilarious! You'll be telling your boys wife about that one someday!!!

Susie said...

You gotta love those grandsons!! I sure do!

Qtpies7 said...

A couple of years ago my husband and a couple of our teens went to France with a group of teens from church. One of the boys in the group had a goal: To pee on the Eiffel Tower.
I would have had his hide if he was my kid. No wonder people think Americans are rude!