Tuesday, January 08, 2008

You gotta help me pick!!

I know every mama thinks her kids are cute but that's our job, right? So I want to enter Jacob in the Beautiful Baby Contest on Regis and Kelly. I took some shots of him today but can't decide which one to go with. Will you please leave a comment and vote? Yes, that means even those of you who don't normally comment here (Amy, Tracy, Tina B) I know you're reading :o)

I really want to capture his curly hair and beautiful blue eyes. So see what you think...

1. Falling over but looking cute

2. Dazed and Confused

3. I'm right here Mama

4. Looking Good

5. Goofy Grin

6. Being silly

7. Just hanging out

So what do you think? Are any of them good enough or should I take some more??


Kathleen said...

Sassy Grannys find their way around the blogosphere pretty good ...

Thanks for visiting this morning. I've now added your blog to my growing list of people/places to visit. Thus I'll be back too!

By the way ... I like #3

Be blessed.
Kathleen Flanagan

beBOLDjen said...

I Like number 6. I love when kids laugh har dlike that! So cute!

Tracy said...

5 :-P

Anonymous said...

I like #6, too. He is even such a doll in the first reindeer picture. You should send both!

Kelley said...

I like #6 because the blue sweater highlights his eyes - and the smile is irresistible! Good luck, Jacob!

Kate said...

they are all so cute, and i am stuck between #3 and #4. love the hair in those pics and his cute smile! of course you'll have to tell us which one you end up choosing!

OneHappyfamily said...

He is such a cutie... I would go with #6 because it is not a perfect shot. It looks like it just shows that wild side that our boys have at that age. Which I love (when others are going through it and not me.) Good luck!

OneHappyfamily said...

Ooops, I meant #5.

Barbie @ Mamaology said...

My favorites are #1 and #6:) He sure is a cutie pie!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for calling me out! Yes, although I do not comment, I always read your blog and look foward to your pictures! I personally like #1 with those bigs eyes! Too too cute! and #6 would be my second.

Jodi said...

They are all cute. But I really like #3 and #4. His blue eyes really show in #4. How fun!!! Good luck!! :)

Theresa said...

Wow Stacey, he is adorable!! I haven't seen him in awhile. And yes, I did enter Victoria as a baby to R & K but she didn't win...I guess they are not big fans of naked babies! Ha, Ha!

I love #5 and #6! Either one is a winner! Good Luck Jacob!