Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Longest Night Ever

Last Wednesday night the boys an I ran to IKEA with my Mom and sister. It was a great night and we got a few good deals. On the way home Grandma treated everyone to a surprise treat from Sonic. About 20 minutes from home Jacob started screaming and crying like he was in pain. About 5 minutes later he was throwing up. At some point that night he started running a slight fever but I just figured it was bug and it would quickly pass.

On Sunday he was still running a fever so I kept him home from church. We ran over to urgent care because I was concerned about how long the fever had been hanging on. They checked him for strep and ear infections but nothing showed up. At that point I was told it was just viral and would pass in 7-10 days.

By Tuesday when the fevers were still getting up to 103 every 4 hours or so I was truly concerned. Then I notice that he was having a hard time turning his neck but wasn't sure what to think. My Mom kept him at her house so none of our high school students would catch anything. That night I took my sister home and was visiting with my Mom when I noticed he had a small bulge on the left side of his neck. I started putting all the pieces together and was a little freaked out! I did what every good Mom does and headed to the internet to see what it could be. Then it hit me, what if it was meningitis?

I called up a friend who is a nurse and she said to me, "Stacey, don't mess around with this. You need to get him in tonight." She went on to say that it sounded like it could possibly be meningitis and they may have to do a spinal tap. She said we should go to the children's hospital because they are trained to work with kids and would take great care of him. My Mom and sister came and picked me up and we headed down to the hospital.

After we waited for a few hours we were finally seen by the doctor and she was concerned. Finally the test results came back and said he did not have meningitis but Lymphadenitis. Basically his lymph nodes are swollen due to infection. The gave him an IV antibiotic and sent us home with a prescription for antibiotics that he will take for the next 10 days.

We are still waiting for the test results to come back on mumps but I'm praying those will be negative! Thank you Lord that it wasn't anything too scary and they were able to treat it quickly!

Here he is after the first IV
He was so tired after fighting the nurses...

Here he is after the second IV... he was back asleep in minutes!


The Abbott Family said...

wow, What a relief. It is always so scary when our kids are sick, and we are helpless. I think these are times that God takes to remind us that He is in control and all we can do is pray and rely on Him. Easier said than done!

Julie said...

Remember Noah's 7th birthday and us having to cancel. Same EXACT thing. Luckily w/ the antibiotics he felt better quickly. Still took 2 rounds I think to knock it out.

Kathleen said...

What an ordeal! It brings back oh-so many memories of my own mothering days (and emergency room visits).

I'm praying for you guys!

beBOLDjen said...

Even when he's sick he sure is a cutie!! I am glad he is okay !!!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you and your little man.... it is so scary when they think your little one has meningitis. I went through that with Cole when he was only a month old... the whole spinal tap ordeal is just awful! Cole ended up having RSV and spent a week in the hospital. I also wanted to say.... what in the world are you feeding your family that you can get by on $85/week????? I have a husband with a bottomless pit for a stomach and two growing early teen boys and we spend $150 - 170/week without diapers, etc. Of course that includes pet food for both animals and anything toiletry wise that everyone needs... in addition to all sorts of pre-packaged lunch foods for two boys in school and two adults who work but don't have time for fixing meals ahead of time.... Always looking for new ideas though!

Shalee said...

Holy cow, Stacey! I've missed this one...

Praying for the little guy right now. And hoping that you're all home, safe, healthy and sound.

Susie said...

It's so hard when the little ones are sick because they can't tell us where it hurts. I'm so thankful that he is better now and that it wasn't more serious. He was such a trooper! (You were brave, too, mommy!)