Wednesday, May 09, 2007

50 days to go...

Did you see that? Did you see the little pregnancy ticker at the top?? It says only 50 days to go!!

I'm really hoping it doesn't take that long but 50 days doesn't really seem that bad!!

I wanted to update and let everyone know that I saw the endocrinologist yesterday. He said my levels are off but not bad enough that he wants to treat me right now. In fact, treating me at this point could put the baby at more risk than not treating me. He did say he wouldn't be surprised if I end up with Graves disease or Hoshimoto's after giving birth. I also have a goiter on my thyroid that he wants to ultrasound after I've delivered.

I'm not real worried about it because I know it's in God's hands! In fact, I'm praying that maybe the whole thing will amazingly go away after I deliver the baby!!


Amico Dio said...

It will be here before you know it!! Enjoy it!

beBOLDjen said...

Hey there! 50 days.... you can do it!!! I am so excited to see that new boy of yours! Did you decide on the name yet? Bummer about the possible health issues, but we'll be praying over those!

Shalee said...

50's nothing, Stacey! And how right you are that God could show those docs a thing or two. Mustard seed, Stace... that's all it takes.

Anonymous said...

Pregnancy can throw you for a curve. I had issues with both of mine, and it seemed that it was always Satan's way of distracting me from the blessings at hand. It sounds like your faith is remaining strong. You are in my prayers with these last weeks. Can't wait to visit you and J.A. in the hospital.

Kate said...

Your attitude rocks! I will pray too that it will go away afterward and just be written off as a pregnancy oddity. :)

Sherry said...

I agree with all of the above. I hope and pray that you don't have any of it and that the boys don't have problems with it either. I love ya!!!