Monday, May 15, 2006

Please pass the Possibility Soup

I just overheard my son tell his friend that he'd like to try some of that "possibility soup." I wasn't sure what he was talking about until I realized that the Campbell's soup commercial says...

Campbell's mmm, mmm chicken noodle, possibilities.

They really do hear everything, don't they??


Susie said...

That's Josh...he doesn't miss a thing!
I love that little guy!

Theresa said...

Adorable! Victoria told me the other day, "I am so frustrated" while throwing her hands up in the air. Meanwhile, thinking frustrated is a pretty big word for a 3 yr. old. I asked her in a puzzled voice, "who says that?" knowing that she didn't make it up herself. And she replied, "Pinky Dinky Doo does". An ah-ha moment...

Anonymous said...

oh how cute!

And yeah. they really do.

Diane Viere said...

How cute!'re never alone!


Shalee said...

That is so perfect!!! They do notice so many things that normally fly right by us, don't they?